Monday, February 7, 2011

Yo Toddler Review and Giveaway

Stonyfield Farms is the producer of Yo Baby, Yo Toddler, and Yo Kids.  If you haven't heard of them yet, keep reading!  You even get a chance to win some to try!  They have many products for different stages in your child's life.  They have Yo Baby: yogurt, drinkables, and meals; Yo Toddler: yogurt; Yo Kids: yogurt and squeezers. 

Why are these products good for your child? 
"Certified organic. Because YoBaby is organic, you know it’s made without the use of persistent pesticides. That’s especially important for babies, because their little bodies are more vulnerable to pesticide exposure. YoBaby is also made without the use of synthetic growth hormones or antibiotics. Learn more.
Helps support brain development. We make YoBaby from whole milk, which helps support healthy brain development. Pediatricians recommend whole milk for babies and toddlers up to two years.
Helps support baby’s immune system. One serving of YoBaby provides 25% of your baby’s daily need for zinc, the mineral that helps support a healthy immune system.
Helps support growth. Each serving of YoBaby provides at least 25% of your baby’s daily needs for calcium, protein, and vitamin D, plus other nutrients essential for babies' growth.
Six live active cultures. Like all of our yogurts, YoBaby contains our exclusive blend of six cultures, including the probiotic L. rhamnosus.
Makes feeding time easy. YoBaby is delicious, so babies love it. Parents tell us all the time that YoBaby is one of the first foods their babies ask for by name.
-From the Stonyfield website.

My Review
Now that you know the important things about Yo Toddler, let me tell you what I think...or better yet, what Sydney thinks!  Sydney LOVES yogurt, but not all yogurt is created equal in her eyes.  She can't read, but she definitely knows if she likes the taste or not.  She especially likes yogurt with fruit in it, and she does not like the "kids" yogurt that tastes like candy and is extremely sweet.  Weird, I know.  Yo Toddler comes in strawberry banana and apple flavor (but our store doesn't carry the apple flavor).  I wish they had more flavors to choose from, but luckily Sydney likes strawberries AND bananas.  I realized really quickly that this yogurt is easiest if you pour it in a bowl so that you can mix it up.  I tried it and I liked the taste, but I'm not really the important one here, am I?  Sydney absolutely LOVES this yogurt.  She asks for it pretty much every day and will eat the entire container (pretty quickly, I might add).  As a mom, it makes me feel better that this yogurt is VERY good for her and is organic.  Somewhere, when Sydney was born, I read that if you are going to buy one item organic you should make it milk because it makes the biggest difference.  I will confess that I don't buy all organic products, but Sydney drinks organic milk most of the time, and since yogurt is in the milk family (as far as I'm concerned) I like to know that there is an organic option there as well. 
One lucky reader is going to win 3 free packs of YoToddler as well as an Eric Carle growth chart! Open to US residents only.
How to Enter:
(1 entry) - Tell me what you learned about Stonyfield's Yo Baby / Yo Toddler products
(1 entry) - "Like" So Mommy on Facebook HERE
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(1 entry) - Share this giveaway on Facebook - Tag So Mommy in it so that I see it (click the lock button and change to everyone to do this).

**Giveaway will end February 14, 2011 at 5 p.m. CST.  Winner will be drawn by a random number generator and contacted by email.  If winner doesn't respond in 48 hours, another winner will be drawn.** 
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