Thursday, March 25, 2010

Kimochi Review

Emotions are hard to understand, and sometimes even harder to describe…especially if you are young and haven’t quite grasped all of the different kind of emotions. That’s where Kimochi products comes in!

Kimochi (KEY.MO.CHEE) means “feeling” in Japanese, and is a very fitting name for this company. You can purchase a Charater Box (Cloud, Cat, Hugtopus, Lovey Dove, Bug) HERE. The Characters are very cute and definitely lovable! With each Character, you get 3 Kimochis, which are small pillows with a feeling (such as happy, sad, silly, etc.) printed on one side and a matching facial expression on the other side. More Kimochis can be purchased separately. The Kimochis fit inside each Characters pouch.

We received the Cloud Character Box, and Sydney immediately wanted to carry Cloud around the house! Cloud is completely adorable and can have a happy or sad face depending on how your child is feeling! He came with a “Feel Guide” which has different ways to use the Kimochis (such as connecting, communicating, and even playing). It also describes a few personalities and several emotions.

This doll is definitely a helpful tool for teaching children about their emotions. It is great for parents to be able to help their children connect their feelings with words in such a fun way.

Shop for Kimochi HERE!

**I received a Kimochi Character box free of charge to do this review.  All opinions are completely mine.  See full disclaimer for details.**
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