
Thursday, August 25, 2011

What if your child went missing?

"Every 40 seconds in the United States, someone’s son or daughter goes missing, but only a fraction of those children are eligible to have a traditional Amber Alert issued for them because the circumstances for their disappearance do not lead officials to believe they are in life-threatening danger among other criteria. A new technology has been developed, however, that allows parents to send out their own alert anytime their child goes missing.

SecuraChild is entirely free for parents and guardians to use. An account can be created for any child with a minimum of important identifying information including: height, weight, hair color, and eye color. A parent can include other meaningful information including medical conditions, unique and descriptive features as well as posting images, videos and other content that could be used to help find their missing child quickly. The site is fully encrypted and each account is protected to ensure the security of all information. Also, parents can choose exactly what details they want to save on the profile that they create.

If a parent’s son or daughter should ever go missing, the parent can quickly login to their account to provide basic details such as where the child was last seen, what the child was wearing, and where they may be going or ties to an area or community. SecuraChild then broadcasts the information and the child’s detailed portfolio to thousands via social networking sites, text messages and emails, creating a nearly instantaneous network of searchers.

In addition, when a missing child is reported, SecuraChild emails the parents a free PDF document that packages all of the stored information on the missing child. Parents can provide this document to law enforcement to expedite the process of registering their missing child with local law enforcement and the issuance of a traditional Amber Alert."  (All above is from the press release).

SecuraChild is extremely easy (and free!) to sign up.  I definitely recommend doing it!  Like said above, if your child goes missing it may be hard to recall some important details.  SecuraChild remembers them for you!
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