
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Winners! by now most of you know about the tornados in north Alabama.  Places around us were hit VERY hard...many lost homes, family members, and some (like us) only lost power for several days.  Our family was very lucky this time.  I let the open giveaways run longer due to this issue, and I am currently drawing winners :)  Hopefully, things on my blog will get back to normal soon!  I have more reviews, giveaway, and informative posts coming up so get ready!

Also, Happy (late) Mother's Day to all you moms out there! 

13 Deals - Sesame Street cookbook - Danielle!!

Skin MD - Judy B!!

Lovable Labels - Sadie!!

Congratulations to these 3 lucky ladies!  I will email the winners soon! :)
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