
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Bridge of Peace by Cindy Woodsmall

Do you like to blog about the books you read?  If so, you should check out Blogging for Books. WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group provides you with free books in exchange for an honest review.  So far, I have really liked the selection of books I've been given.

The most recent book I was given the chance to review was "The Bridge of Peace" by Cindy Woodsmall.  Cindy is a New York Times best-selling author, who is known mostly for her connection with the Amish community. This connection allows her to write very true-to-life Amish novels.  I was impressed with her attention to detail in this book!

"The Bridge of Peace" is a novel about a young Amish girl named Lena, who is a school teacher waiting on Mr. Right.  She has dealt with a noticable birthmark on her cheek all her life, and at times feels like it is what is holding her back.  In this novel, we see many different families, their joys and tragedies, and also how they come together to help each other in times of need. 

I absolutely loved this book!  I can't say enough about it.  I couldn't put it down until I finished.  I don't normally like the romantic-type novel, but this one had so much more in it than just romance.  It showed the difficulties of Amish life, and how they deal with problems similar to our own, such as Lena's self-conciousness about her birthmark.  As a school teacher, Lena has to deal with difficult students and parents - which I'm sure any teacher out there can relate to.  Cindy Woodsmall is definitely a winning writer if you ask me.  She includes so many details about the Amish traditions and way of life that really brings this book to life!  I felt like I was almost there with Lena when I was reading!  I would definitely recommend this book (and author) to anyone who reads for enjoyment!
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