
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Zizzies and Izzies - Review and Giveaway

About Zizzies and Izzies
Zizzies and Izzies offers Eco Clothes for Eco Kids. They make fleece diaper covers, designer prefolds, cloth wipes, and cute clothes and hats made from eco-friendly materials. The owner, Shelly, is a stay-at-home mom who was inspired by her kids to start making reusable, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective products. After other moms saw her work, they suggested she start selling her items and so Zizzies and Izzies was born!

My Review
I was really excited to try one of the fleece soakers from Zizzies and Izzies.  I've never tried a fleece soaker, but I knew if it worked like others said then it would be great for those early potty training know, when your kid still has a few accidents.  Zizzies and Izzies offers very cute fabrics for fleece soakers (you should definitely check them out).  Not only did Shelly send a fleece soaker to try, but she sent a unique hair clip, a few cloth wipes, and the most adorable hat!  The wipes were wonderful - they worked great, just as a cloth wipe should.  We weren't really able to try the clip out since my daughter has very little hair, but I assure you it is adorable and well-made and I can't wait until she can wear it! 

My favorite items sent were the hat and the fleece soaker!  The hat is a unique hat, and has gotten my daughter a TON of compliments!  It is a beautiful yellow and white fabric that is absolutely perfect for springtime!  My daughter likes wearing it, and I like to show it off!  It's not an overly girly hat (which I think my hubby appreciates - he gets tired of all the frilly girl stuff sometimes).  This has been his go-to hat to put on Sydney lately.  The fit of the hat is great (I sent in measurements of her head).  It is very well made (I don't have to worry about my daughter trying to tear it up like some crochet hats...she has a tendency to stick her fingers in the holes for fun).  Anyways..I just LOVE the hat!

On to the fleece soaker...when I saw the cute flower print I loved it, but at the same time I was wondering if these really work as diaper covers.  I couldn't imagine this working as well as an AIO cloth diaper.  I know, I expect the worst sometimes, but I have a heavy wetter!  My daughter was excited about the soaker..she calls it her big girl panties, and I think it has helped to encourage her to use the potty more honestly.  I put a fitted and the fleece soaker on her one day at naptime to really test it...and she didn't leak through at all.  I was amazed!  We aren't really potty training yet, but Sydney will use the potty some.  The fleece soaker helps to teach her to pull her "big girl panites" up and down.  She likes being able to help put them on and take them off.  I think the fleece soakers would be helpful for any age (over fitteds especially), but I'm excited to use them for the early days of potty training to help prevent major accidents all over the house!

Right now, Zizzies and Izzies is offering So Mommy readers a special 15% discount on orders!  All you need to do is enter the coupon code "SOMOMMY" when placing the order!  Be sure to check out her awesome clearance section as well!

Zizzies and Izzies is offering So Mommy readers the chance to win a 2 pack of fleece soakers!!  Trust me - you WANT to win this one!

How to Enter:
(1 entry) - Heart Zizzies and Izzies on Etsy
(1 entry) - Follow So Mommy by Google Friend Connect
(1 entry) - 'Like' So Mommy on Facebook HERE
(1 entry) - 'Like' Zizzies Britches on Facebook HERE (Feel free to tell them So Mommy sent you!)
(1 entry) - Share this giveaway on Facebook - Tag So Mommy in it so that I see it (click the lock button and change to everyone to do this).
**Giveaway will end March 25, 2011 at 5 p.m. CST.  Winner will be drawn by a random number generator and contacted by email.  If winner doesn't respond in 48 hours, another winner will be drawn.** 
**I received products to try in exchange for my honest review - which I have given.** 
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