
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Motherlove Review and Giveaway

When I started cloth diapering, I had no idea what I was doing!  I'm pretty sure my husband and mom both thought I was a little crazy when I mentioned wanting to try it out (Sydney was about a year old).  I just saying, "How hard can it be?"  A friend of mine was a HUGE help in educating me on all things cloth and even gave me a few diapers to try (who wants to pay for something that they may hate?) 

After I started cloth diapering, I started reading a TON of information online to help self-educate on more cloth diaper things so that I would do it "right" and buy the "right" diapers, etc.  While researching, I realized that you aren't supposed to use diaper rash ointment with cloth diapers.  Most of the time, it isn't needed (no chemicals in diapers + more frequent changes helps keep those nasty rashes away).  However, every now and then it IS still needed.  For awhile, I would put Sydney in a disposable with diaper ointment because I didn't really know what else to do.  This worked, but I knew there had to be a better way!  So, I started reading other mom comments about rashes and cloth diapers (I rely on the opinions of other moms a lot).

One day, I came across a blog giving away the Diaper Rash and Thrush salve from Motherlove.  I entered, thinking I'm never lucky -but still hopeful.  I was so excited when I won!  Motherlove's Diaper Rash and Thrush salve is an all-natural herbal salve made from 96% certified organic ingredients.  It is $9.95 for a 1 oz container.  I know, the price sounds a little high, but it takes VERY little salve each use (plus if you cloth diaper, hopefully you won't need it too often).  I can see that this will last us awhile, even with baby #2 on the way.  I think my favorite part of Motherlove's salve is that there isn't a strong odor like with some diaper rash ointments.  I've had to use this on Sydney a few times, and it usually clears up the rash over night.  Every now and then it will take a day or 2 of use to clear them up.  The container is small enough to toss in your diaper pouch or bag and keep with you in case you need it while out and about. 

Motherlove offers some other products that I'm sure are equally as awesome - including items to help support breastfeeding.  Oh, and I just have to say that their customer service is absolutely awesome.  I had to use supplements to continue breastfeeding Sydney for an entire year, and I took Fenugreek capsules.  They worked, but I felt like I took a million a day!  I talked to one of Motherlove's support "moms" about the problem since baby #2 is due any time now, and she was a big help!  She asked me a few questions to help me decide which product would be best to try.  She was super nice and made me feel better about breastfeeding.  If I end up having similar problems this time, I will definitely be contacting her and trying out the product she recommends.

Be sure to check out their blog HERE for a lot of helpful information!
Motherlove is offering one lucky reader a container of Diaper Rash and Thrush salve! Open to U.S. Residents only.
How to Enter:
(1 entry) - 'Like' Motherlove Herbal Company on Facebook HERE
(1 entry) - Follow Motherlove on Twitter HERE
(1 entry) - Follow So Mommy by Google Friend Connect
(1 entry) - 'Like' So Mommy on Facebook HERE
(1 entry) - Share this giveaway on Facebook and tag So Mommy or Motherlove Herbal Company
**Giveaway will end April 8th, 2011 at 5 p.m. CST.  Winner will be drawn by a random number generator and contacted by email.  If winner doesn't respond in 48 hours, another winner will be drawn.** 
**I received nothing in exchange for this review. Motherlove Herbal Company is providing the giveaway.** 
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