
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mimi's Babies - Review and Giveaway

"...whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31

Where to start?? Mimi's Babies is one of my favorite online retailers for babies! Maybe it's because she is local to me, maybe because she openly shares that she uses her talents to bring honor and glory to the Lord....but mostly because her items are so stinkin' adorable!!   

The Ladies Behind Mimi's Babies
Creating special gifts for your special babies is the goal of Mimi’s Babies. They want to bring a sentimental touch to gift giving and share the love that is given with a handmade piece.  Mimi and Charissa have teamed up to create Mimi's Babies.  Mimi has been sewing for over 35 years. Over the years, she has created everything from Buggy Buddies to a Civil War era blouse. Mimi loves to create.  Charissa has been crocheting for over 20 years. Over the years, she also learned how to knit. She enjoys creating dishcloths and baby items. Blankets, dishcloths, and hats are her specialty. Charissa loves to make one of a kind baby gifts.  Mimi’s Babies is a proud member of the EtsyKids team, EtsyMom team, and the D Listers.

My Review
I'm pretty sure I could go on and on (and on and on) about Mimi's Babies, but I'll try to keep it short and sweet!  I came across Mimi's Babies over a year ago on a friend's blog. I won a Buggy Buddy on the blog and Mimi herself delivered it!  She was so sweet, and Sydney & I both LOVED the Buggy Buddy!  A little while after that, my sister offered to photograph some of Mimi's Babies items.  I got to see several hats, headbands, and flip flops up close.  Let me be the first to tell you that these items may be handmade, but they are EXCELLENT quality, very sturdy items!  I've bought new hats and flip flops for Sydney, and even a newborn hat for a friend.  I have never been disappointed with anything I've ordered!  Charissa and Mimi are awesome to work with as well.  As with most Etsy store owners, they are willing to work with you to create the special item you are looking for.  Ok, so now that you know how much I love them, I want to share some pictures with you - please be sure to visit their Etsy store HERE to see their full selection!

This is Sydney around her 1st Birthday in the "Sydney Beanie"
This is Sydney at almost 2 years in the SAME beanie, just different clip!

I mean, How could you not love these cute things (the hats, not the kids - though the kids are pretty lovable haha) ???  If you are like me, and you love them - you will want to keep reading because one lucky ready is going to win a VERY special gift from Mimi's Babies!


Mimi's Babies is offering 1 lucky winner this adorable headband and crib shoes set!!  I would love to win this set for myself, but I'm glad that one of my readers will get to win it!  I know whoever wins will fall in love with Mimi's Babies just like I did!
How to Enter:
(1 entry) - Tell me how your favorite item from Mimi's Babies Etsy store
(1 entry) - Follow So Mommy by Google Friend Connect
(1 entry) - Follow Mimi's Babies on Twitter HERE
(1 entry) - 'Like' Mimi's Babies on Facebook HERE (Feel free to tell her So Mommy sent you!)
(1 entry) - Share this giveaway on Facebook - Tag So Mommy in it so that I see it (click the lock button and change to everyone to do this).
**Giveaway will end March 18, 2011 at 5 p.m. CST.  Winner will be drawn by a random number generator and contacted by email.  If winner doesn't respond in 48 hours, another winner will be drawn.** 
**No compensation was received for this review.** 
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