
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Babylegs Review and Giveaway

Babylegs is definitely a product that I recommend to ALL moms!  They are so functional and can be used for a LONG time (Sydney is 2 years old and still wears them)!  If you haven't heard of Babylegs, you may love me after this post!
About Babylegs
"In April of 2005, a young mom was confronted with a diaper rash that just wouldn't quit. The rash needed some fresh air to heal, but she was also concerned about keeping her daughter warm. In a moment of inspiration, she snipped the feet off of a pair of socks and fitted her daughter from hip to ankle with a cool set of leg warmers. These leg warmers not only kept her daughter warm, but also protected her from the elements, made diaper changing and potty training easier, and protected her soft knees while crawling. With some fun designs and some grassroots marketing support, the functional and fashionable leg warmers that began as a solution to keep little legs warm quickly became much more.  BabyLegs® leg warmers quickly became a parenting essential across the world because of their utility, practicality, and stylish appeal. Our continued desire to provide products that provide style and protection for little legs and feet eventually led us to expand into children's hosiery with the introduction of baby socks and girls tights" (From Babylegs website).
My Review
Obviously, I love Babylegs!  Sydney has worn them since birth, and L.B. already has a good stash started so that she can wear them as soon as she gets here!  When Sydney was younger, I was always getting compliments on her legwarmers, but no one had ever heard of them.  I have introduced many, many moms to Babylegs and their usefulness (and cuteness).  Babylegs made my life a lot easier, and I'm going to tell you how. 

-They can be worn with onesies, t-shirts, or simply a diaper to keep your baby warm while keeping diaper changes super easy. 
- During really cold weather I put Babylegs under Sydney's jeans for added warmth.
- During the crawling months, they prevent carpet burns!
- In summer months, they can provide light protection from the sun.
- As your child gets older, they can be used as armwarmers.

I can't say enough about how useful Babylegs are!  Seriously, we love them!  They look cute with dresses, onesies, and diapers!  If you have a summer baby, all you need is a diaper and some Babylegs for playtime during the day! Add a cute onesie and you're ready for a day out.  How easy is that?  We were sent a pair of Babylegs Juicy Tights and 2 pair of Babylegs (one was the Fluttering Butterflies).  I like how cute the tights are, but I still prefer the original Babylegs legwarmers!  Be sure to check out the clearance section and keep an eye on the Babylegs Facebook page for good deals and giveaways!

Buy It Now
Casey at Babylegs has offered So Mommy readers a discount of 20% on purchases from 3/23/11 - 4/8/11.  All you have to do is use coupon code "SOMOMMY" at checkout!  Trust me, you're gonna want to get in on this deal!

Babylegs is offering one lucky reader a Babylegs grab bag - these would be great as a gift to a new mom or as a gift in your child's Easter basket! Open to U.S. Residents only.
How to Enter:
Mandatory Entry (must do for other entries to count) - 'Like' Babylegs on Facebook HERE
Extra Entries:
(1 entry) - Follow Babylegs on Twitter HERE
(1 entry) - Follow So Mommy by Google Friend Connect
(1 entry) - 'Like' So Mommy on Facebook HERE
(1 entry) - Enter another giveaway on So Mommy (1 entry for each giveaway you enter)
**Giveaway will end March 31, 2011 at 5 p.m. CST.  Winner will be drawn by a random number generator and contacted by email.  If winner doesn't respond in 48 hours, another winner will be drawn.** 
**I received Babylegs in exchange for this honest review.** 
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