
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ecover Tablets - Review

Have you started your Spring Cleaning yet?  I always start my spring cleaning right after we put our Christmas tree away.  I guess it isn't *technically* Spring cleaning, but it gives us a clean house and less work inside for Spring!  My next few reviews are going to be about some cleaning products I've been trying out lately and I hope you find useful as well.  I wish I could compile a list of cleaning tips, but I get those from my mom and area is the organizing and throwing things out part!
On to my review...are you an eco-friendly person? or are you trying to be? or maybe just trying to buy more kid-safe products?  Well, if these describe you then Ecover has some products you may just love!  If this doesn't describe you, well, you'll probably still love their great products!

A little about Ecover
 Ecover has been creating effective and ecological cleaning products from plant-based and mineral ingredients since 1980 (before I was born)!  They try to create sustainable products that are suitable for everyday use by everyday people. They have strict guidelines when it comes to their business operations, from the selection of raw materials all the way to the decomposition of the end products.  Ecover products are manufactured in the world-famous ecological factories in Malle, Belgium and Boulogne-sur-mer, France. The factories are crowned with a green roof where plant vegetation grows creating a temperature regulating and noise-dampening insulator throughout the year.

My Review
Ecover offers a variety of products for dishwashing, laundry, and household cleaners.  I chose to review the dishwasher tablets.  I have found that a LOT of dishwasher tablets (and liquid, for that matter) on the market just don't clean as well as I would like...and I usually end up re-washing a few or pre-washing the dishes before they go into the dishwasher.  I was very curious to see how Ecover's Ecological Tablets would compare, and I have to say that I have been impressed by them!  I have used them several times on many different items (sippy cups, bowls, plates, pots, pans, etc.), and I haven't been disappointed yet.  They are a little more pricey than the "normal" ones you can buy in the store, but if you have a store that sells Ecover products near you, you can save on shipping.  Check out their store locator HERE.

For more information about Ecover, check out their sites:
Ecover's Website -
Ecover's Blog -
Ecover's Facebook -

**Thanks to Ecover for providing product for review.  No other compensation was given.  See full disclaimer for more information.**
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