
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Cloth Diaper Giveaway!

As most of you know, I cloth diaper Sydney and plan to cloth diaper baby #2...and I've been trying to convince as many others to do the same as I can because I have loved it so much!

I was VERY VERY excited when I saw this giveaway posted at MommyReview!  The giveaway is for a starter kit from Bummis cloth diapers.  I could really use this, and if you have been thinking about cloth diapering but haven't done so yet - you could use it, too!  So head on over and enter the giveaway!  If you "like" MommyReview on Facebook, let her know I sent you over!  This giveaway ends at 11 pm, but keep an eye on her page because it looks like she has some more coming up!

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