
Monday, September 13, 2010

Immanuel's Veins by Ted Dekker **Special Gveaway**

What is sacrificial love? Have you thought about that lately? It is one of those questions that you can answer simply, or you can sit and think about it for awhile. When I think of sacrificial love I automatically think of Christ's ultimate sacrifice on the cross. He loved us enough to sacrifice himself, knowing we weren't going to be perfect, knowing we weren't always going to do the right thing. Now that I have a child, I feel the same way toward her. I would jump in front of a train to save her. I try to teach her right and wrong, but I don't know that she will always do what is right. I do know that I will always love her and be ready to give my life for her no matter what, though.

In Ted Dekker's new book, “Immanuel's Veins,” sacrificial love is shown in an amazing way. I'm not going to go into detail because I don't want to give any spoilers. It is hard to write this review because I was to tell all about it, but I can't!! When I saw that Booksneeze was offering this book to review, I requested it quickly. I had never read any of Ted Dekker's books, but my mom and sister have read several and really liked them. After reading the first page, I was hooked – literally. I think it only took me a few days to read it because I couldn't put it down!

“Immanuel's Veins” starts out from the view of Toma, a warrior who is sent to protect 2 beautiful sisters and their mother. He and his companion expect this to be a boring job, but it ends up much more exciting that that. On the way they encounter a strange man with important advice, but they don't quite understand it. Russians from a nearby home start visiting and trying to seduce the family and even the warriors. They must learn to fight their passionate feelings if they want to save themselves. In the end, one of them will have to make the ultimate sacrifice in order to save a love. This is a story of danger and seduction, love and evil.

I can't really say much more without giving away important parts. I really enjoyed this book and got a lot out of it. If you enjoy mystery and suspense type books, then I think you will enjoy “Immanuel's Veins” by Ted Dekker.

I received this book from Booksneeze in exchange for my honest review.

I received a t-shirt as a gift for reviewing this book from the Ted Dekker team and they are allowing me to give on away to a lucky reader!  The t-shirt is dark gray with a special "Spread the Love" design.  Winner picks size.

How to win:
All you have to do to enter this giveaway is tell me your favorite book or author.  That's it. Simple :)

Giveaway will end Friday, September 17th, 2010 at 5 p.m. CST.  Winner will be picked by a random number generator and contacted by email.  If winner doesn't respond in 48 hours, another winner will be drawn.
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