
Monday, July 19, 2010

Wild at Heart

I received the book "Wild at Heart: Revised and Expanded" by John Eldredge (awhile ago...more about that later) through the Blogging for Books program with Booksneeze.   I chose this book because it is written about men, but for women OR men to read.  I was intrigued by how this book could supposedly help 2 completely different sets of readers.   I have to say, the author exceeded my expectations.

This book is written to help men and women discover "the secret of a man's soul."  After reading the first chapter of this book, I looked at my husband and said, "This is such a sad chapter, I hope it gets happier."  What I was refering to is the author describing how many men feel.  I never really thought about it, but the author paints a very vivid picture using quotes from friends, the Bible, and various other people.  He explains how we (as a people, in general) have pushed men into more feminine roles through the years, and how that has taken the passion out of every man's life.   He then goes on to explain how men have been wounded, many by their fathers or mothers.  A boy needs a dad (or dad figure) to usher him into man-hood and let him know he is good enough. 

This book explains so many things that I can't begin to talk about them all, but I have thoroughly enjoyed this book.  It is based on the Bible, and it uses several Bible stories, but ANYONE could benefit from reading this book, man or woman, Christian or not.  I think this book can help wives understand their husbands, mothers understand their sons, and husbands help themselves and other men.  If you have a son or a husband, please read this book!  It may save you a lot of headache from trying to figure out the men in your life! 

John Eldredge also offers a Wild at Heart Small Group Guide with videos.  I'm sure this would be a great series for a men's Sunday School class! 
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