
Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Ergonomic UGLee Pen

Dr. Lee's Biography

Dr. Lee received his BS in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry from Yale University and his MD from Stanford University School of Medicine. Dr. Lee has done his share of writing throughout his academic and professional life. All of the writing required by medical school and physician training took its toll. After trying just about every pen and failing to find a truly comfortable one, Dr. Lee was determined to create his own. Known to even fire his own clay pens, Dr. Lee has experimented with just about every combination of shape, texture, material, and ink mixtures in search of the optimum combination for the "Perfect Pen."

The Ergonomic UGLee Pen

The UGLee Pen gets it’s name “UG” for Ultimate Grip and “Lee” for the physician that spent eight years developing it’s design. The UGLee Pen weighs less than ½ ounce for a comfortable light-weight hold while writing. It has a full size grip, which makes this pen more comfortable than most pens I’ve ever used. The grip extends up to where the pen lies on your knuckle area which is pretty unique (and VERY comfortable). The grip is the part that my husband says he really likes about the pen. An added plus: since the grip is over most of the pen, it helps keep the pen in your pocket! I know a lot of guys that keep pens in their shirt pocket, and when they lean over the pens fall out…Not with this pen! My 14 month old daughter can’t even easily pull this one from my husbands pocket when he gets distracted. Another great part to the UGLee pen is the ink in this pen. It flows very smoothly.

My husband and I have both really liked using these pens. The best part of the pen for us was the grip! It just makes this pen so much more comfortable than pens I have used in the past! You don’t have to “try” to hold it a certain way. Since the grip is full size, you can hold it how you normally would and the grip does the rest!

The UGLee pens come in several colors (red, pink, white, yellow, green, blue, and gray). Right now you can buy a 3-pack for $19.99 +S & H. The ink refills are 10 for $15+S & H.

Check out the UGLee Pen Products HERE
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**I received these pens free of charge for my honest review. Myself or a close family member will always personally try out each product received. See my full disclaimer for more details.**
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