
Monday, April 5, 2010

BibleMan Powersource: Combating the Commandant of Confusion

Up until recently, I had heard of BibleMan, but never actually seen the show. I grew up watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Power Rangers, so I was curious about how it would portray Christian views in a good guy / bad guy kids show. I got my chance to see for myself when I received “BibleMan Powersource: Combating the Commandant of Confusion” from Thomas Nelson Publishing to review.

This BibleMan adventure is a live recording in front of an audience. It is about 60 minutes long. It includes a fight sequence sword training and also teaches the actions to the “Word of God” song.

In this episode, the villain (known as the Commandant of Confusion) and his sidekick (Chaos) interrupt the Bible Adventure Training Academy to steal the secret weapon. The secret weapon is supposed to help the Bible Team put on the armor of God.

I thought the message was great! They very plainly state scriptures, and they also explain to kids that they never, ever fight other people, only Satan and his “sidekicks”. I think this is a very important message to get across to kids. Since the show was live, there were very little special effects, which most kids have grown to expect. Younger kids (maybe 5-8), would probably enjoy this show and parents won’t have to worry about what they are learning.

**I received this DVD free of charge to do this review. All opinions are completely mine. See full disclaimer for details.**
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