
Monday, August 30, 2010

Cable Turtle - Review and Giveaway

Are you an organization freak? I am...ok, well I used to be.  And then I had Sydney and less free time to organize.  But I still REALLY love it when I have some free time to organize (I know-I'm a little weird).  I love to go through the bins/organization areas in stores just to see what new products they have.  One of the things that bugs me at our house is CORDS.  They are, computer, phone chargers, lamps, you get the picture...almost everything has a cord!  My husband has a habit of rolling up his phone chargers and sitting them on the kitchen counter.  They almost always come unrolled and drive me crazy!  I have finally found the solution! sent me a mini Cable Turtle to try out, and I knew immediately that I was going to try it on our cell phone chargers.  The cable turtles flip open easily so that you can loosely wrap the cord around it.  Then you can twist the top and bottom so that the cord openings are in the correct place.  Now snap it shut and you're done!  It looks so much neater, and the cords stay in place!  These would be great for traveling or to stick in your bag to carry to work or any other place you charge your phone!  They have 3 different sizes-mini, small, and large to help you organize pretty much any cord you have!  They come in a variety of colors as well! 

I love this little Cable Turtle...and Sydney does, too!  When we don't have a cord on it, we stick it in her diaper bag so she can play with it.  She loves to try to open it and roll it around.   So it doubles as a child entertainer haha!

Now the good part!  THREE of you will win your own mini cable turtle!

How to Enter:
*Be sure to leave an email address you check regularly**

(1 entry) Tell me what cords bother you the most at your house
(1 entry) "Like" So Mommy on Facebook HERE
(1 entry) Follow So Mommy through Google Friend

**Giveaway will end Friday, September 3rd at 5 p.m. CST.  Winner will be drawn by a random number generator and contacted by email.  If winner doesn't respond in 48 hours, another winner will be drawn. **

**I received a Cable Turtle in exchange for my honest review.  See full disclaimer for more information.**

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dapple Baby

What do you use to clean your baby's bottles and toys?  Ever wonder what exactly is in those products?  Ever wonder if  you need to rinse and re-rinse after cleaning, but before your child touches/licks all over it?  I have used the clorox spray to clean many of Sydney's toys, but I always felt like I should wash them off with water before I gave them back to her...I didn't want to think about any residue getting in her mouth.  Yes, maybe I'm a little paranoid about some things.  I used regular dish liquid to wash all of her bottles / nipples and never really thought anything about it.  Until I came across Dapple Baby.  After seeing how gentle and safe their products are, I wondered why it never occurred to me that dish liquid may leave a residue that could end up in her mouth.  She never had any problems while I was using the Clroox/Dawn/Etc, but once I realized there were baby safe products out there (other than baby laundry detergent), I was so excited!!  One less thing for me to have to worry about!

I was very excited to be able to review the Dapple Baby Safe Dish liquid and toy wipes, because as we all know, being baby safe doesn't always mean that it is strong enough to get things clean.  Some "baby safe" products don't clean very well at all.  I've been using the Dapple Baby Dish liquid for a few weeks now on Sydney's sippy cups and straw cups, and it has definitely done it's job!  It cleans very well!!  At first, I didn't really like the smell - it's kind of an herb kind of smell - I have gotten used to the fragrance free stuff that has no smell at all.  After a few uses, I decided that I actually like the smell.  It helps combat the milk smell in her cups, which is GREAT!

I would recommend Dapple Baby products to anyone with kids, but especially if you have a sensitive child.  It would probably also be great for getting the formula smell out of bottles.  You can buy Dapple Baby in large quantities from their website HERE or in smaller quantities from or

**I received Dapple Baby Products in exchange for my honest review, which I have given.  No other compensation was received.  See full disclaimer for more information.**

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sock 'n Boots - Winners!

Winner #1 - Jennifer S., who said, "I would like to see 1 about telling the truth"

Winner #2 - Shawna, who said, "Entry 1: I have already "liked" So Mommy
Entry 2 : I would love to see more manners i.e. Yes Ma'am, No Ma'am, Please and thank you. I think it is soo sweet to see little ones use these. Entry 3: I have learned that Boots and I should get along quiet well. We both love Chocolate Cake! LOL"

Winner #3 - Jgmulligan, who said, "socks is younger"

Thanks for entering! Look for another giveaway this week!  Plus I will have a special post about why I have been a little slower on reviews and giveaways lately :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

No More Christian Nice Girl

Do you know a lady who can't say no because she feels the need to be nice and doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings?  Who always does what is expected of her?  Who seems to be somewhat of a doormat?  Are you like that?  If so, this book is definitely for you.  "No More Christian Nice Girl" shows how being nice, instead of being good, can hurt yourself, your family, and your friends.

I was very intrigued when I read the title and introduction of this book.  It begans by introducing Nicole, a CNG (Christian Nice Girl), who is late for work and gets a call from a needy friend.  She gets frustrated with her husband for telling her not to answer because she is late, and she answers anyways.  She then gets mad at her daughter who wants help with her spelling words, and her friend thinks she isn't listening and gets mad as well.  Yes, this seems like an extreme situation, but I think it happens far too frequently.

The book goes on to show you how you can be good, and be a good Christian, friend, mom, and spouse.  I have really enjoyed reading this book.  I have definitely learned a lot, and I'm not even an "extreme" Christian nice girl.  They have chapters to help with dating, marriage, and work.   They reference several verses from the Bible to show that Jesus wasn't always a "nice" person.  He pressed some issues, and said some things that made people mad.  He overturned tables in a temple!  The Bible also tells us as Christians to be the salt of the Earth, not the sweet sugar.  We need to be a little more than just "nice" and this book tells us how. 

I loved this book, and I plan to pass it on to some family members that I feel could benefit from it's message.

**I received the book "No More Christian Nice Girl" from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for an honest review.**

Tatutina winner!

The winner of the Tatutina stool is....Chefsteph82, who said, "follow on google friend." 

Congratulations ChefSteph, and thanks to everyone else for all of the entries!  Look for more reviews and giveaways soon!

If you have a child that loves to read, be sure to enter the Sock 'n Boots book giveaway (it ends tomorrow afternoon).  There will be THREE winners, and each will get a copy of this new book sent to them!

Go HERE to enter!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sock 'n Boots: Share - Book Review & Giveaway

I was given the opportunity to read a new children's book called "Sock 'n Boots: Share" by D.K. Smith.  This is the first book in a series of books that will focus on teaching kids some important life lessons.   The main characters are Sock (yes, he is a sock) and Boots (yes, he is a boot).  These may not be furry little animals, but Sydney recognized them immediately and kept pointing at Boots and saying "shoe."  These characters are a little unusual, but they are recognizable to kids, which is always good.

The first page in the book is a note to readers that explains how parents should use the book to help teach their kids the lessons.  Each book begins and ends with the same question.  Sock 'n Boots answer the question during the book, and at the end you can ask your child the question and let them explain how Sock 'n Boots learned the lesson.  The "Share" story was a simple story with very colorful pictures.  It has a couple of short sentences on each page, so even younger kids like Sydney can pay attention. 

I love all books that help teach kids lessons.  As a parent, I like to know that Sydney enjoys reading, but also that she gets something out of it.  I think this series does a good job with both of those.  Keep a look at Sock 'n Boots' website for upcoming titles!

THREE lucky readers are going to recieve their own copy of Sock 'n Boots: Share!

How to Enter- Leave one comment per entry
(1 entry) - Like So Mommy on Facebook
(1 entry) - Tell me what lesson you would like to see in these books
(1 entry) - Visit Sock 'n Boots website HERE and let me know one thing you learned about the characters (Click on "the characters" to read about them)

**Giveaway will end August 18, 2010 at 5 p.m. CST.  Winners will be drawn by a random number generator and contacted by email.  If winners do not respond in 48 hours, new winners will be drawn.  I received this book in exchange for my honest review, which I have given.  See full disclaimer for more details.**

Love is a Flame - Book Review

I recently received two books from Bethany House Publishers.  The first one I received was "Love is a Flame" compiled by James Stuart Bell with a Foreward by Gary Chapman.  I was excited about this book because I love hearing stories from other people who have "been there, done that."  The books cover states that these are "stories of what happens when love is rekindled."  That statement gave me high expectations about the stories in this book.

The short stories are written by individuals in completely different situations who all find a new love with their spouse.  The stories are all pretty short, so I read a couple every night before bed.  The stories definitely met my expectations.  I enjoyed reading every one of them!  They each showed a different way the couples learned to "deal" with their spouse and find new ways to show love by focusing on God first and foremost.  Many of the stories told about how turning your life over to God and changing yourself helps you show your love for your spouse even more.  These stories were so uplifting!  At the end of each story, Bell sums up how everyone can learn from the story whether you are in the same situation or a different one. 

This was a great book!  I think it would make a great book to read along with a couples devotional, or just to read and learn from!  If you have been there already, it will help you see that you aren't the only one, and if you aren't there yet, this book may help prepare you a little more. 

**I received this book in exchange for my honest review.  If you would like to receive books from Bethany Publishers, please go HERE for information.

How to Pack a Giraffe - Book Review

I received "How to Pack a Giraffe" by April Beker from the Dorrance Publishing Review Team this month.  I chose this book because it sounded like a fun book..and the cover picture of a giraffe NOT fitting in a suitcase made me laugh. 

"How to Pack a Giraffe" is a book about a little boy who sees the circus leaving town and wonders how they pack up all those animals, but most especially, how do they pack up the giraffe?  He searches for the answer at the library, but still can't figure it out.  A year later, when the circus comes back to town, the little boy has a chance to ask a circus man.  The circus man tells him about the special trailer the giraffe has.

I thought this was a very cute book for kids.  I think most kids have a lot of questions about the circus and animals, and this book helps them answer one of those questions.  It is a pretty short book with very colorful pictures.  The book itself is small in size, so it's great to stick in your bag to carry with you for reading on the go.  It is paperback, but we've carried it around and it has survived! 

**I received this book from Dorrance Publishing in exchange for my honest review.**

Monday, August 9, 2010

More Winners...a little late

Ok...sooo here are the winners (a little late).  I'm sorry it's taken me a few extra days to get this up.  We have been spending more time with family lately (enjoying this heat)!

BATH LUVE - The winner of the Bath Luve is...Jennifer S. who said, "My favorite is the Frog! I also told Marsha and Kyle Happy Birthday!"

YOOHOO and FRIENDS - The winner of a Yoohoo and Friends plush animal is...Amber R. who said, "I like Yoohoo and Friends on Facebook."

Congratulations Jennifer and Amber!!!  I hope you both enjoy your gifts! Thanks to everyone else that entered and don't forget to enter the Tatutina giveaway!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tatutina Review and Giveaway

Have you ever searched for that unique gift and never could seem to find it?  I know I have..several times, in fact!  When I came across Tatutina's website, I was amazed!  I absolutely LOVE their colorful product selection.  They have gifts for babies all the way up to adults, and everything is made with their motto in mind, "Happy painted gifts for a happy lifestyle."

About the Company
Tatutina is a small business located in Attleboro, Massachusetts. Their goal is to create unique products that reflect a happy and fun lifestyle. Everything they create is inspired by family, homes and art. This mother-daughter team loves to design functional, fun and quality products.  All Tatutina items are designed and tested to meet the requirements of the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM). All products use certified non-toxic, lead free paints.  Just in case you are wondering, "Tatutina" is a term of endearment, or nickname that Barbara Ottmar, the founder of Tatutina, made up years ago while she was living in Italy.

My Review
Tatutina allowed me to pick any item to review, and I had a hard time deciding!  They offer bookends, recipe boxes, storage totes, wooden letters, baby gifts, and much more, but I decided that Sydney needed a stool.  Since she is becoming independant, I thought a stool might help her out with hand washing and getting off/on chairs.  Instead of picking an adorable girly stool, I picked the equally adorable lion stool (which made Daddy VERY happy).  I unpacked the stool while Sydney was asleep and had it sitting out for her when she woke up.  When she saw it, she immediately went to look at it.  I think she loves the bright colors on it.  It is the perfect height for her to sit on!  We have been keeping it in the kitchen so she can get to her chair at the table all by herself.  It has made meal time much more calm!  She also loves to push the stool around the kitchen...and around and around.  I can definitely say that this is a VERY sturdy stool!  It has held up with me sitting on it, and hasn't tipped over with her at all! 

Tatutina is offering one lucky reader their choice of kids stool!  Keep reading to see how to enter!

How to Enter:
Be sure to leave one comment per entry, as well as an email address you check regularly.

Mandatory:  Visit Tatutina and tell me which stool you would choose.
Extra Entries:
(1 entry) - Follow So Mommy by Google Friend Connect
(1 entry) - "Like" So Mommy on Facebook HERE
(1 entry) - Put this giveaway as your Facebook status for at least 1 hour
(1 entry) - Sign up for the Tatutina newsletter. (It’s on the left hand side bar, just scroll down.)

**Giveaway will end August 11, 2010 at 5 p.m. CST.  Winner will be picked by a random number generator and contacted by email.  If winner doesn't respond within 48 hours, another winner will be picked.  Tatutina will be responsible for mailing gift to winner.  I was provided a stool for my honest review which I have given.  See full disclaimer for more information**